“Throughout Lasallian landscape we discover new and not so new experiences of community. We have a great diversity of Lasallian community experiences: communities of only Brothers, mixed communities of Brothers and lay persons, communities of only lay persons. With different configurations we find communities that meet periodically, others that live under the same roof. With this communication we want to invite you to get to know a Lasallian community that for years has had a project with young Lasallian volunteers, that is, the community of Bedford Park, in New York. There, three Brothers and several long-term volunteers (at least one year) reside and form a Lasallian community.”
Dear Lasallians we offer you the communication nº 28 from the Secretaries of Association. You can share this communiqué with other Lasallians.

Here ALL communications sent to date. You will also find the file in editable format, to translate to other languages.
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