Brazil – The La Salle Network promotes Solidarity Actions
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, activities of the Bandeirante Soy Solidario Nucleus are carried out in Lasallian Communities
Rafaela Feck
Communication and Marketing
Brazil – Through the Lasallian volunteer project Soy Solidario the La Salle Network has carried out various solidarity activities during the month of April. To help face the Covid-19 pandemic, the Lasallian Community brought together groups of volunteers to carry out social activities, while respecting the protection measures recommended by official health organizations.
The Soy Solidario Nucleus of Colegio La Salle Esteio/RS organized the “drive-tour of solidarity,” with the collection of food and hygiene/cleaning materials. The idea of giving donations without leaving the car was the strategy used by the group to carry out actions of solidarity in the face of social distancing measures. About 91 families of Esteio received these donations.
The participants of the Soy Solidario Nucleus of La Salle Niteroi School, in Canoas/RS, helped Nossa Senhora do Caravaggio Parish in its donations campaign. The group collected and sorted the supplies and delivered basic baskets for 50 families that are supported by the Parish. The activity was carried out taking due care to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The activity carried out by the collaborators of Colegio La Salle Sao Paulo aimed at strengthening ties. The project “in the neighbor’s house” promoted virtual meetings between collaborators, with time for reflection and spirituality. Due to high attendance, the activity was extended to online meetings with a group of elderly people who participate in different activities of the College, which today cannot be carried out due to the pandemic.
Initiatives like these will continue to happen in Lasallian Communities in different regions. The La Salle Network and the Soy Solidario Project are grateful for the support in activities that promote solidarity, especially during these present times.
For more information, please click here and find out about the Soy Solidario Project on its Facebook page.
The La Salle network has been present in Brazil since 1907, for more than 110 years. The Network currently serves more than 47,000 students in its 45 Learning Communities. Of these Communities, 33 are basic education institutions, another seven institutions are social service centers and the remaining five are institutions of higher education. They are located in 9 states (Amazonas, Marañón, Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo) and in the Federal District. The Communities have the help of more than 5,000 educators in the Lasallian Mission. In the country, the La Salle Network is part of a group called the La Salle District of Brazil-Chile, made up of Brazil and Chile, countries with more than 600 educators serving around 6,000 students in 7 Learning Communities of basic education. Outside this area, they maintain a special mission in 3 Learning Communities in the African country of Mozambique, which serve more than 3,000 students, and they are assisted by more than 100 educators. In the District, there are more than 150 Lasallian Brothers who follow the path that Saint John Baptist de La Salle started, and who continue to work in the Lasallian Educational Mission. |