
“A ‘Glocal’ Educational Compact, Generating Hope” is the title of the Booklet proposed by the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC) on the occasion of the Jubilee Year.

“The Holy Father has called us to be ‘pilgrims of hope’, and educators are the true ‘workers of hope’, because education is an act deeply rooted in the future: with joy we sow today, with the firm hope of reaping tomorrow’s flourishing fruits”, comments Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendoça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, in the Prologue to the document.

This Booklet, in the preparation of which Brother Juan Antonio Ojeda as the Institute’s representative at the OIEC actively participated , “is an invaluable tool that invites us to set out on a journey, using words rich in meaning such as pilgrimage, conversion, metamorphosis, process, reconstruction…”. Throughout its 16 pages, it develops three fundamental themes or attitudes for living the Jubilee Year 2025: exodus, conversion and hope


In this way, the Booklet has been organised in the light of the seven basic objectives or commitments proposed by Pope Francis when the Global Compact on Education was launched, with the certainty that “to achieve consensus and commitment from all, it is necessary to set out on a journey, in an attitude of exodus; to convert ourselves personally and communally; and to grow our hope and conviction that a new education is possible to co-create a new society that is more human, fraternal, in solidarity and sustainable“.

Strengthening efforts

With this material, “we are trying to promote the Global Compact on Education together throughout 2025, strengthening our efforts and revitalising our commitment to deepen the construction of the Compact from a local perspective, that is, from each classroom, school, neighbourhood or city”, says Brother Juan Antonio, referring to the expression “glocal”.

The Lasallian religious, who is also a consultant to the Dicastery for Culture and Education, is confident that, in this way, “we will awaken and give hope to the new generations, to all the citizens where our schools are located and, by contagion and witness, to many other cities or regions”.

As pilgrims of hope, we Lasallians are all called to set out on a journey to make the Global Compact on Education a reality in our communities and educational works.

Download here the booklet “A ‘Glocal’ Educational Compact, Generating Hope”.