Brother Superior has appointed Brother Juan Pablo Martín as delegate for Rwanda, for the period from 1/10/2020 to 30/06/2022.
Brother Juan Pablo Martín Dueñas is originally from the former District of Valladolid, now ARLEP, but belongs to the Central African District. Born in March 1954, 66 years old, he was a member of the previous General Council.
Rwanda is a mountainous country in Central Africa with about 9,998,000 inhabitants. The Delegation of Rwanda has 34 Brothers in 5 communities and 5 works with about 2,000 students. The statistics of this country are completed by 110 lay collaborators, 7 novices and about 20 aspirants and postulants.
We wish Brother Juan Pablo a fruitful and serene work.
*The photos were taken at the Académie De La Salle in Byumba, Rwanda, which offers quality education from pre-school to secondary school. This educational centre now has 573 students and 31 teachers, divided into 18 classes. The De La Salle Brothers also run 4 other formal and non-formal education centres in Rwanda, assisting more than 2100 boys, girls and young people every day.