The board of ASSEDIL (European Association of Directors of Lasallian Institutions) is composed as follows:
President: Sr. Marta Marínez Casanovas – ARLEP
Secretary: M. Paul Georges – District du Proche Orient
Treasurer: M. Gabriel Andrei – France
Mr. Robert Muller – Central Europe District
Mr. André Dubuisson – Belgique Sud
Mr. Cedric Van der Linden – Belgium Nord
Mr. Joe Tomwey – Irlande-GB-Malta
The council of Visitors os RELEM is represented by the Brothers:
Br. Pio Rocca – Italia
Br. Ben Hanlon – Irlande-GB-Malta
Br. Aidan Kilty – General Councillor for RELEM
Br. Miquel Àngel Barrabeig – RELEM

From the 6th to the 11th of October 2019 the 7th ASSEDIL Session for the Formation of Directors and Principals of Lasallian Centres took place in the Casa Generalizia in Rome. There were over 40 participants from the Districts of RELEM for this Session which is organised jointly by the Administrative Council of ASSEDIL in collaboration with the RELEM Team.
Br. Robert Schieler, Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Br. Aidan Kilty, General Councillor for RELEM, Br. Alvimar D’Agostini, Director of the Generalate, and Marta Martínez Casanovas, President of ASSEDIL and co-animator for formation, welcomed all the participants attending this session. An ‘icebreaker’ game and a visit to the common areas marked the first stages of the mutual knowledge.

The focus of the Session was Lasallian leadership today and the evangelising nature of the Lasallian mission. There was also an opportunity for participants to experience at first hand some of the best practices currently to be found in the Region such as, for example, “the Parcours d’éducation à la justice” from the District of France and the “New Context for Learning” from the District of ARLEP.

The participants were also able to explore the implications of intercultural and interreligious education with the help of a presentation from one of the Directors of our schools in Turkey. Fondazione de La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale helped the participants to appreciate the Institute’s international outreach particularly, with regard to Lasallian projects in developing countries, while Brother Enrico Muller gave a very moving and impassioned presentation on the project in Scampia, Naples.
The Session was a wonderful opportunity for participants to network, share good practice, and create new friendships.
Ilaria Iadeluca – Director of Communication
Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools – Rome

RELEM (Région Lasallienne Europe Méditerranée)

ASSEDIL (Asociación Europea de Directores de Instituciones Lasalianas)