
A few days before the beginning of the Plenary Assembly which will take place at the Generalate in Rome from 7 to 14 July 2024, some of the participants share their hopes for this unprecedented fraternal meeting – the first Plenary Assembly ever to be held! – which will bring together Brothers and Lasallian Partners from all the Regions of the Institute.

“The Plenary Assembly will be a space to listen to each other, where we will find ways – or reinforce existing ways – to help and support each other,” says Brother Eduardo Rivera Vizcarra, who will participate on behalf of the Standing Committee of Young Brothers.

Angela Matulli, Director of the La Salle Foundation, hopes that “the Plenary Assembly will give us the possibility to reflect and better understand the changes we are living through and the centrality of leaven experiences such as 1 La Salle, as one Lasallian Family”.

Br. Dante Amisola, Director of the Office of Development and Solidarity, states that “this Assembly will be an opportunity to share as a global family how we can continue to improve what we are doing, to respond to what the 46th General Chapter has asked of us.

Coreen Paul, President of CIAMEL, agrees on that point, expressing her conviction that “the Plenary Assembly will be an opportunity to find out where we are, what we are doing, and how we are moving forward as a Lasallian Family”.

Among the fruits expected from the Assembly, three stand out: “to define the areas in which we must ‘put more leaven’ and the means to do so”; “to devise the means to strengthen the new model of governance of the Institute and its possible replications at local level”; and “to keep alive the fire of the ‘Leavening movement’ as well as to make it possible in every corner of the Lasallian geography“.