
Pakistan faces the daily challenge of large numbers of out-of-school children, especially girls from difficult socio-economic backgrounds. The purpose of St Solomon’s School is to provide quality education for all children, ensuring that they have the opportunity to reach their full educational potential. 

Thanks to the generous support of the O’Brien Foundation Australia and St Bede’s College, Mentone, remarkable achievements have been made. The efforts resulted in the construction of additional classrooms, a hall and some essential facilities; improvements that made it possible to introduce grades 7-10 classes for girls, addressing a significant need in the community.

The recent inauguration of the new facilities, which was also attended by Brother Chris Patiño, General Councillor, was a moment of great satisfaction and immense pride for all. It symbolised the collective effort and dedication that led to the execution of this project, which is particularly significant because it represents hope. Hope that the Lasallian educational mission will continue to meet the needs of young Pakistanis. The hope that springs from the dreams and potential of the young people of today and future generations. The hope that is nurtured by the commitment and dedication of the teachers who are called daily to touch hearts and teach minds. The hope that lives can be transformed through education.

This joyous celebration brought together students, families, members of the local community and the Brothers of the Sector. With great pride, the Headmaster, Brother Waseem Asad, who managed the project locally and coordinated the inauguration and blessing of the new facilities said, “We sincerely thank O’Brien Foundation Australia, St. Bede’s College and all those who helped to make this project happen and make this transformation possible. Together, we are making a real difference in the lives of our students, empowering them to feel appreciated through education.