The presence of the Lasallian Educational Mission in 79 countries that creates a wealth reflected in hundreds of cultures, dozens of languages and not just a few academic calendars. While some schools or universities start their annual academic programs, others are following them while others are closing their academic year. The school year starts in September, January, March, October …
One of the most successful tweets from our Lasalleorg account is:
“Isn’t it amazing to know that because of the different time zones there is always a Lasallian School running somewhere in the world?”
The Lasallian Reflection of the Superior General and his Council which supports the general theme of the seven years after the 45th General Chapter, “Towards the year 2021: Living together the joy of our mission”. It is a joyous consequence of this diversity of calendars. The last three themes were: Lasallians: hearts on fire, Lasallians without borders and A call, many voices. Now we are beginning to live in some parts of the world: “Great things are possible” However, some countries still have the subject: ” Lasallians: hearts on fire “.

This creates an interesting mix of logos, communication products, but above all, initiatives to continue realizing the direct and powerful message of the Gospel. We are an international Catholic community and we will continue to build bridges where a minority and powerful groups and leaders want to impose walls.
The invitation is to continue to share with Lasallians all over the world the initiatives of the Lasallian Reflection # 4 “Lasallians: hearts on fire” and to begin to share those that are beginning to emerge in the Lasallian Reflection # 5: “Great things are possible. ” The privileged media are social networks via the proposed tags or by sending us an email to:
Here you will find the Lasallian Reflection N ° 5 (2019-2020): “Great things are possible”.
This conversation continues with many people around the world via our Instagram account, Twitter and our YouTube channel.