Starting in 2021, the Tangara Association for Education and Culture (Atec) in TangarĂ¡ da Serra/MT will become a new Lasallian Educational Community, and it will bear the name Colegio La Salle ATEC. The institute will provide a quality education in line with Lasallian pedagogy, and it will become part of the De La Salle Network in the State of Mato Grosso, which already includes the Colegio La Salle Lucas do Rio Verde and the Unilasalle Lucas do Rio Verde.
In future years, the new educational community will provide free places for pupils starting at infant school level and going up to middle school. In addition, La Salle Atec will operate the bilingual programme of the De La Salle network, We Are La Salle, for pupils in classes for infants and primary level 1. Pupils will also have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities and Lasallian activities of a religious educational nature, based on a programme of reflection and celebration.
The start of the first school year is programmed for the 1st of February 2021. Currently, work is taking place on the renovation and modernisation of the buildings and surroundings of the college so as to improve the facilities offered to pupils and parents.
Province La Salle Brasil-Chile