
Brother Armin Luistro, Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, has made three appointments to the Institute’s Councils. These are Joseph Gilson, who has been appointed to the International Council for Lasallian Association and the Educational Mission (CIAMEL), and Julien Rérolle and Juan Pablo Caro, who join the International Economic Council (IEC).

Joseph Gilson holds a Degree in Education, major in Mathematics and Physics. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Comparative Euro-Mediterranean educational studies. In his Lasallian career he has been a teacher at La Salle College in Malta, International Coordinator of Young Lasallians, Director of Formation for the Mission of the District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta (IGBM), where he has also been Director of Mission. Since 2024 he has been a member of the Lasallian Region Europe Mediterranean (RELEM) Office Team and of the StAR Commission of RELEM and is also a member of the Executive Council of ROE, an inter-congregational association in England and Wales which supports religious congregations in the mission of running or founding schools and colleges.


Julien Rénore holds a Postgraduate Degree in Philosophy from the IPC in Paris, a Master’s Degree in Finance from the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) in Canada, and a Financial Analyst Diploma from EFAS in Europe. He started his career as a financial analyst and fund manager at a large bank in London. He then founded EthiFinance in Paris, the only French rating agency dedicated to financial and ESG analysis for funds and corporate entities across Europe. He then decided to put finance at the service of education, first in a fundraising consultancy firm and then as CFO of the District of France and Francophone Europe. He is also a member of several boards of directors of companies and associations and a lecturer at the Master’s Degree in finance at Paris Dauphine University.

Juan Pablo Caro holds a Degree in Administration from the University of Cuyo (Argentina) and a Master’s Degree in Financial Management from the University of Barcelona (Spain). Since 2022 he has been the Vice-President of the La Salle Argentina Foundation and the General Administrator of the District Argentina – Paraguay, responsible for assisting the Bursar in his economic and financial management. Likewise, between 2018 and 2021 he served as Finance and Business Manager of the same District. Previously, he had been responsible for capital markets and investor relations for the Pampa Energía Group in Argentina, and external auditor for PriceWaterhouse Coopers.

General Council

International Council for Lasallian Association
and the Educational Mission (CIAMEL)

International Economic Council (IEC)

With these new appointments, CIAMEL is now composed of six members: Coreen Paul (Chair), Jean-Marie Ballenghien, Kurt Schackmuth, Doris Nzoundja, Adriana Bolaños and Joseph Gilson. The IEC is composed of seven members: Nestor Tan (Chair), Brother Sergio Leal, Brother Donald Johanson, Diana Pardo Aguilar, Pamela Gleeson, Juan Pablo Caro and Julien Rérolle. Finally, the General Council includes Brothers Carlos Gómez (Vicar General), Martin Digilio, Anatole Diretenadji, Ricardo Laguda, Joël Palud, Chris Patiño and Rafael Cerón.

“The three Councils surround and support the Superior General in animating the mission of the Institute throughout the world,” remarked Br Carlos Gómez, at the conclusion of the first in-person meeting of the three Councils which took place at the Generalate from 10-12 February 2025.