
In the framework of the new dynamics of animation and governance of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, the Superior General, Brother Armin Luistro, has appointed Brother Mario Chiarapini as Director of the Office of Lasallian Charismatic Family, and Brother Martin Digilio as Chair of the Commission on Consecrated Life.

Brother Mario Chiarapini is a brother of the Province of Italy born on November 22, 1948. He completed the Novitiate of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in 1964/65 and made his Perpetual Profession in 1973.

As a young man, he pursued classical studies, obtaining the diploma of Bachelor’s Degree in Classical Studies and Teacher Qualification. He graduated in Literature from the University “La Sapienza” in Rome and qualified to teach in Secondary Schools.

He began studying piano and organ as a boy, venturing into composition very early on, which he later perfected at the Institute of Sacred Music “T. L. da Victoria” in Rome.

For about fifteen years with the La Salle Choir, of which he was founder and director, he regularly collaborated as an author and performer with Pauline Multimedia in Rome, producing over 100 CDs. He has numerous bibliographical and musical publications, as well as works for animation, catechesis, and liturgy.

He is registered with SIAE. For a period, he worked as a lecturer on topics related to school, family, and youth. For several years he was a trainer in Lasallian formation houses and director of the Novitiate. In some Lasallian institutions in Italy, he held the role of principal and teacher. For more than twenty years he taught Italian and Liturgical Singing at the Pontifical Urbanian University, section “Mater Ecclesiae”. For twelve years (1991-2003), he directed a reception center for immigrants and refugees, providing Italian language teaching and other essential services.

Since 2011 he has been the editor of the magazine “Lasalliani in Italia.” Currently, he holds the position of National Advisor for “Signum Fidei,” whose evolution he has followed since its origins.

Brother Martín Digilio was born in Córdoba (Argentina) on 27 November 1965. He entered the Postulancy of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in 1983 and made his Novitiate the following year.

He professed his first vows in 1985 and seven years later, in 1992, he made his perpetual profession.

 Regarding his academic career, Br. Martín studied Pedagogy, Philosophy and Theology. In 1993 he attended the course for formators promoted by the Latin American Confederation of Religious (CLAR) in the city of Cochabamba (Bolivia).

Between 1988 and 1992 he contributed to the educational mission at Colegio La Salle Argüello, where he served as teacher, catechist and director. He was also Director General and President of Colegio De La Salle de Buenos Aires from 2007 to 2012.

From 1994 to 1997 Brother Martín was Director of the Brothers’ Postulancy, alternating as a teacher at the Catechetical Seminary of the Diocese of San Justo and at the Pastoral Institute for Adolescents. Then, from 1998 to 2000, he was Director of the Novitiate for the Districts of Peru, Bolivia, Argentina-Paraguay and Chile.

On two occasions he has been Visitor of the District of Argentina-Paraguay, from 2001 to 2006 and from 2013 to 2021. For six years, between 2014 and 2020, he was President of the Federation of Religious Educational Associations of the Republic of Argentina.

He participated in the 45th General Chapter of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in 2014 and, most recently, in the 46th General Chapter in May 2022, where he was elected General Councillor. At that time, he was serving as Director General of Colegio La Salle Argüello.

We congratulate Brothers Mario Chiaparini and Martín Digilio on their appointment as Director of the Office of Lasallian Charismatic Family and Chair of the Institute’s Commission on Consecrated Life, respectively. We wish them every success in this new mission.