
Brother Armin Luistro, Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, has appointed Dr. Maria Errico Agnello as the new head of the Institute’s Central Archives at the Generalate in Rome.

Dr. Maria Errico thus takes over the mission that Brother Hilaire Raharilalao has been carrying out for nine years, with a high level of professionalism, responsibility, fraternity and a deep sense of commitment to the service of the Institute.

Br. Hilaire finished this important work on 31 August last. Unfortunately, he has been hospitalised for several weeks for rehabilitation treatment after suffering a stroke on 20 May, from which he is recovering satisfactorily, under medical supervision and with the permanent accompaniment of the community of the Generalate.

We express our gratitude to Brother Hilaire for his generous dedication and service to the Institute for almost a decade, and we commend him to our prayers for continued recovery through the intercession of St John Baptist de La Salle.

Dr. Maria Errico Agnello met the Lasallians in 2018, as an independent archivist, being involved in projects of reorganisation of archives promoted and financed by the Italian Episcopal Conference, involving the Central Archives of the Brothers of the Christian Schools at the Generalate, and the Italian Provincial Archives of the Congregation.

He holds a Master’s degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage from the University of Lecce (2006), a Diploma in Archival Sciences from the Vatican School of Paleography (2016), and has completed an internship at the Vatican Secret Archives between 2018 and 2019, in addition to other complementary studies of qualification and specialisation in Archival Sciences, Librarianship, History and Art (2000 – 2023).

Between 2009 and 2017, Dr. Maria Errico carried out various work and training experiences in the field of Archival Sciences and Librarianship, collaborating with diocesan organisations, private institutions and cultural associations, as well as with training centres and schools, where she has taught History of Art.

He later joined La Salle, through projects related to the Institute’s internal archives.

Since 2019, she has been participating in the meetings of the ‘Société Internationale des Archivistes Lasalliens‘ (SILA), as a speaker and collaborator in the work of the international ad hoc groups.

In 2022 he started working as an assistant archivist at the Central Lasallian Archives, as part of the Office of Lasallian Heritage and Research at the Generalate in Rome.

We wish Dr. Maria Errico Agnello all the best for the new mission she has been entrusted with.