Lasallian Universities North American Region for the Environmental Sustainability
The “International Lasallian Institute for Sustainability for the Environment” (ILISE/Victorin) and the “Center for Urban Resilience and Environmental Sustainability” (CURES) invited the Facilities Coordinator for Environmental Sustainability at the Lasallian Universities North American Region (RELAN) to participate in the workshop “Lasallian Universities North American Region for the Sustainability of the Environment (LUNA-SE)”.
This workshop was held and sponsored by La Salle University of Philadelphia on September 5th and 6th, 2019. The goal of LUNA-SE was to create a network and increase collaboration among Lasallian universities in the USA through developing common environmental sustainable commitments, as an initiative of “Campus University Transitions through the Sustainable Development”, a research group established by the “International Lasallian Advisory Research Group” (ILARG).

Four of the six Lasallian Universities in the North American Region (RELAN) participated in the workshop: La Salle University (Philadelphia, PA), Christian Brothers University (Memphis, TN), Manhattan College (New York City, NY), and Lewis University (Romeoville, IL). The workshop was conducted by Dr. Martin Montoya FSC, Director of the “International La Salle Institute of Sustainability of the Environment” (ILISE/Victorin) and Dr. Scott Kerth, coordinator of the international research project “Campus University Transitions through the Sustainable Development” and professor of leadership for the College of Business at Lewis University.
These four Lasallian universities are engaged in a total of 145 environmental activities: 38% of the total activities that the universities are doing address Environmental Education, 32% address the Natural Environment, and 30% address Economic Sustainability. The universities established four common Environmental Sustainability objectives as high priorities to be achieved for all the U.S. Lasallian Universities. The sustainability departments of each university agreed to work with their leadership to integrate this mindset throughout the campuses. In addition, the results determined that all U.S. Lasallian Universities are already answering the Pope Francis’ call about taking care of the Common House (Laudato Si’) and that all these Lasallian universities should work to introduce “Sustainable Development” into their university’s Strategic Plan in order to reach the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) established by the United Nations (UN).
Martin Montoya, FSC
North American Region (RELAN)
La Salle University (Filadelfia, Pensilvannya),
Christian Brothers University (Memphis, Tennessee),
Manhattan College (Nueva York, Nueva York)
Lewis University (Romeoville, Illinois)