
The Formation Commission of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools places at the disposal of the Lasallian Family various formation programmes which take place throughout the year and in different Districts and countries worldwide.

“These are programmes for Brothers, lay people and formators, with the aim of strengthening the educational and evangelising mission in all the Districts”, explains Brother Eder Polido, Chair of the who also comments that “these programmes are adapted to local realities, but maintain unity in diversity, reflecting Lasallian values and spirituality”.

Leaven of Transformation

In this sense, Brother Eder emphasises that “the main purpose of these programmes is to contribute to the formation of committed people”, inspired by Saint John Baptist de La Salle and “capable of being a leaven of transformation in their own realities”.

Through these initiatives, “the Institute seeks to strengthen the Lasallian identity and to guarantee the continuity of the mission”, continues the Brazilian religious, who points out that it is a question of “educating hearts and minds in view to serve with excellence and love”.

The information on Lasallian Formation Programmes has been systematised in a PDF document available in the three languages of the Institute (Spanish, English and French), and includes the name of the programme, the District and/or country offering it, a brief description of the scope and target audience, dates and costs, language, and an e-mail address or website to contact the organisers.

In total there are 13 formation programmes: five from the Lasallian Region of Europe Mediterranean (RELEM), four from the Pacific Asia Regional Conference (PARC), two from the Lasallian Region of Latin America (RELAL) and two from the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN).

About the Institute’s Commission on Formation

The Commission on Formation in the Brothers of the Christian Schools is part of the new synodal governance structure of the Institute, and its main objective is to promote a formation and vocational movement in line with the Lasallian Mission.

Its goal is to have a positive impact on several fundamental aspects: to accompany Brothers and lay people in their formative and vocational journeys so that they may live and promote the charism, training them to act as agents of change in their communities and contexts; to consolidate the recognition of the Institute for its excellence in formation and pastoral ministry of vocations, strengthening its identity and mission; to encourage the Districts to take the lead in formative and vocational programmes, adapting them to their specific realities and needs.

In this way, it is hoped to train leaders – Brothers and lay people – who will disseminate the Lasallian charism and spirituality in their realities, capable of inspiring and engaging new people in their commitment to the mission, while at the same time aspiring to increase the number of people who wish to take up the Lasallian mission as a vocation, whether in religious life (Brothers) or in the laity (Lay Lasallians).

The Institute’s Commission on Formation is composed of: Br. Eder Polido (Chair), Ms. Mariella Vella and Mr. Philippe Dulawan.