Meeting at the Generalate FSC in Rome

Lasallians are part of a 300 year history that can be studied thanks to the hundreds of Brothers and Partners who have taken care of our heritage in archives, libraries and documentation centers around the world.
The documentary treasures that rest in the archives of the Institute, Districts, Regions, schools and universities not only witness to who we are but also provide invaluable input for research on the role of the Brothers and Partners in the life of the Church, the Institute and society at large.

The Lasallian Research and Resources Service, in collaboration with Brother Hilaire, the Institute’s archivist, invited a select group of people – the International Society of Lasallian Archivists – to consider joint initiatives for caring for and promoting our heritage. More than 30 archivists from over 20 Districts participated in the inaugural meeting of ISLA (29 to 31 October 2019).
The program consisted of presentations, discussions and visits to places of archival interest. A follow-up event will be held in New York City on dates to be determined.

To learn more:

Digital Journal of Lasallian Research

Lasallian Resource Center (USA)

Les Archives lasalliennes (France)

Iconografía lasaliana fundamental
Mostra “Iconografia lasalliana fondamentale”
Mostra 80 anni della traslazione delle Reliquie a Roma
Exhibition “Educating for a World of Brothers
(*Société International des Archivistes Lasalliens)