The Lasallian Region of Latin America RELAL
[A note from the Communications Service, Rome]

Taking into account the current situation as it affects the great majority of countries in the world, we would like to make it clear that the Institute Bulletin N.º 259 has gone to the printers, but it has not been possible to send it out to the Districts. Consequently, we ask you all to download it or to read it on line.
The Institute Bulletin was first published and circulated by the Brothers in the year 1904. The first numbers were written exclusively in French, and their contents consisted in a collection of news items from the various countries where the Brothers were active at that time.

It has remained in publication for more than 100 years, and was only interrupted during the periods of the two World Wars. As time went by, the publication of news items was transferred elsewhere, and they are currently published on the Web and via social media. Nonetheless, the Bulletin has continued to be an integral part of Institute communications in the form of monograph numbers on topics of general interest such as presentions about the Regions of the Institute or explorations of various historical events.
Bulletin N.º 259 of April 2020 is devoted to the Región Latinoamericana Lasallista – RELAL (Lasallian Region of Latin America).
“ In this Bulletin, we want to highlight the cultural diversity, creativity and passion with which the mission is brought to life in this part of the Lasallian world. This does not prevent us from also recognizing the great challenges faced by schools, universities, non-formal educational works and religious and educational communities in RELAL. These are challenges that arise from the social, religious and economic reality, as well as from the political choices and circumstances of several countries in the region.”
Br. Paulo Petry, General Councilor for RELAL.
In Latin America, as in the rest of the Lasallian world, we are continuing our effort to ensure that “great things may be possible”.