Generalate – Meeting of the RELEM Visitors’ Council
Three times a year the Brother Visitors of RELEM (7 Visitors and one Delegate) meet in Rome with Brother Joël Palud, General Councillor, to walk together as a Region.
This meeting in March took place in an even more positive atmosphere after the beautiful experience the Brother Visitors had during the recent MEL Assembly 2024, a sign of hope for the continuity of the Mission in Europe and the Middle East.
After an initial sharing on the decisions taken by the MEL Assembly, the Visitors worked on the organisation of the next Conference in Iasi (Romania), 8-12 April 2024 where, alongside the Titular Visitors, the Auxiliary Visitors, the RELEM Team (2 FSC and 2 Lay Partners) and the Regional MEL Council will also participate.
During their short stay in Rome, the meeting with the Commission on Association, together with Mrs. Heather Ruple Gilson, Mrs. Edith Tuovi Kokovi Afiwa and Br. David Garcia, was an enriching moment that allowed the Visitors to share the varied experience of the Communities of Associates, the Fraternitè Lasallienne in France and the Signum Fidei that have their own dynamic, history, formation, and allow RELEM to be the image of that polyhedron to which Pope Francis refers in Evangelii Gaudium: “the model is the polyhedron, which reflects the convergence of all its parts, each of which preserves its distinctiveness” (EG No. 236).
The Visitors also shared the news of the various Districts, District Chapters or Mission Assemblies, current difficulties and challenges, not forgetting the war in Gaza, which is a wound for the whole world.
The appointment now for everyone is in Iasi, Romania, at the beginning of April.