District Congo-Kinshasa: Brother Pie Nsukula reappointed as Visitor
Brother Armin Luistro, Superior General, has appointed Brother Pie Nsukula to another term as Visitor of the District Congo-Kinshasa, for the third time. The appointment will last for another three years: from 30 April 2025 to 29 April 2028.
Brother Pie was first appointed Auxiliary Visitor, from 2017 to 2019, then Visitor for a first term in 2019, a second in 2022 and now a third in 2025, which will last until 2028.
Brother Pie Nsukula Bavingidi was born in Matadi (Democratic Republic of Congo) on 23 January 1976. He did his postulancy in Kinshasa (Congo) from 1999 to 2001, his novitiate in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina-Faso) from 2001 to 2003, where he took the religious habit on 23 March 2002, and his scholasticate in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) from 2003 to 2005.
He professed his first vows in Bobo-Dioulasso, also in Burkina-Faso, on 14 June 2003, and perpetual vows in Kinshasa on 17 May 2009.
Brother Pie also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Literature and Civilisation in 2013 from the Université Pédagogique Nationale (UPN), and two Master of Arts Degrees from Minnesota in the United States in 2017 (Master of Arts in Instruction and Master of Arts in Lasallian Leadership). He is currently a researcher in the field of Education at the Université Pédagogique Nationale.
“It is with deep joy and hope that I announce the renewal of his mandate. [The exemplary leadership of Brother Pie during the previous two terms of office is well known […], despite the considerable challenges he has had to face […], as well as the significant progress made in the financial and economic management of the District, making possible the formation of Brothers and investment in new initiatives. I encourage Brother Pie to continue these efforts in a spirit of solidarity for the common good and the fulfilment of the Lasallian educational mission of the District”. This is how Brother Armin commented and encouraged the third appointment of Brother Pie, considered in his District as an example of seriousness and rectitude, dedicated to the educational mission and the formation of the Brothers.
“I am deeply grateful to God for this assignment”, remarked Brother Pie after receiving his reappointment. “I have always considered this task as a service, a service I render with humility of heart and mind. But I cannot fulfil this heavy responsibility with my own strength. Therefore I fearlessly entrust myself to the One who calls me, that He may protect me, guide me and strengthen me”. He then goes on to say that he counts on the necessary support of all the Lasallian men and women of the Congo-Kinshasa District to carry out this common mission. “Alone I cannot do anything, but in a spirit of synodality, that is, together and by association, I can successfully complete this task. I wish to express my fraternal thanks to Brother Superior General and his Council for the trust they have shown me by renewing this mandate. I also count on their fervent prayers, that God, through the intercession of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and our Blessed and Holy Brothers, may help me with zeal and simplicity of heart”.
We congratulate Brother Pie Nsukula on his appointment and wish him every success in his mission.
The District of Congo Kinshasa was founded by the Belgian missionary Brothers on 7 October 1909. It has a staff of 65 Brothers, almost 30,000 students, a large number of lay collaborators, forty teachers and around forty educational works.