Brother Carlos Castañeda is appointed Visitor of the District of Mexico Norte

Brother Robert Schieler, Superior General, has appointed Brother Carlos Castañeda Casas as Visitor of the District of Mexico Norte for a term of office that runs from May 15, 2021 to May 14, 2024.

Br. Carlos was born in the city of Zacatecas, Mexico on 12 September 1970. He entered the Juniorate in 1985, made his first vows in 1988 and his perpetual profession in 1996.

He completed his university studies at the Centro de Estudios Superiores La Salle de Monterrey, he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Education Sciences. Subsequently, he completed a Master’s degree in Education with a specialisation in cognitive processes at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. He holds a PhD in Education and Educational Leadership from the Universidad Autónoma del Noreste.

Brother Carlos Castañeda has carried out his ministry in various roles, such as teacher and at elementary education, as well as Academic Director and Rector at the university level. He was also Director of Mission for the District of Mexico Norte and for five years he was the Secretary for Mission in the Regional Office of RELAL, while he was also a member of the International Council for Association and the Lasallian Educational Mission CIAMEL.