Brazil Flood Crisis: Together we can help the victims

The catastrophe which has struck southern Brazil, with floods and water overflows claiming the lives of dozens of victims in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and leaving thousands of families adrift who have lost everything -including may Lasallians-, has also given rise to a wave of solidarity in the La Salle network of the District of Brazil-Chile, as well as in the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, through the emergency appeal launched by La Salle Foundation to support the most vulnerable and those most affected.

According to Brother Olavo Dalvit, Visitor of the District of Brazil-Chile, “this is the worst flooding we have ever suffered in the history of our State, as we have never seen such a disaster; (…) it is difficult to express in words what we are experiencing”.

It was precisely in this southern region that the Brothers of the Christian Schools began their mission in Brazil almost 120 years ago, and it is there that the largest number of Lasallian schools, communities and social works are concentrated.

Flooded schools and homeless families

“Thousands of people have been evacuated and are away from their homes with no prospect of knowing when they will be able to return,” Brother Olavo said, noting that “the situation is very serious” and that “many of our Lasallian Partners and families have lost everything in their homes and are living with other relatives or in temporary shelters”.

In view of the emergency and the magnitude of the situation, three Lasallian schools had to be evacuated as the water completely flooded the area and its surroundings: Pão dos pobres, which is located in Porto Alegre, as well as the Escola La Salle dos Pobres and the Fundación La Salle, which are located in the municipality of Canoas.

Likewise, in response to this calamity, some institutions such as Colegio La Salle Santo Antônio and Colegio La Salle São João in Porto Alegre, as well as La Salle University, La Salle Foundation and Colegio La Salle de Canoas, as well as Colegio La Salle Niterói, have opened their doors to offer shelter and support to those displaced.

Similarly, the two Lasallian schools in Porto Alegre – Santo Antônio and São João – are welcoming the families of students, teachers and Lasallian Partners who have had to leave their homes, victims of the socio-environmental crisis.

An urgent appeal for solidarity

“The Lord challenges us and invites us to awaken and activate that solidarity and hope capable of giving solidity, containment and meaning to these times when everything seems to be shipwrecked”, Pope Francis reminded us in the face of the crises facing humanity.

We invite you to join us HERE to the campaign led by La Salle Foundation. With your contribution we can help the victims of the floods in southern Brazil. Donate now to the Lasallian Emergency Fund Together we can make a difference!