“Bible and School”, theme of the Inter-American Meeting on Pastoral Ministry in Education

On August 23-24, the Colegio La Salle in Buenos Aires (Argentina) welcomed more than 800 Catholic educators from the Americas for the Inter-American Meeting on Pastoral Ministry in Education, which in its eighth edition dealt with the theme “Bible and School”.

Among the Brothers and lay Lasallian educators who took part in this training session organised by the Confederación Interamericana de Educación Católica (CIEC) -Inter-American Confederation of Catholic Education- was Brother José Diez de Medina, from the District of Bolivia-Peru, a member of the CIEC Council, who emphasised that “the theme of this meeting is very close to Lasallians, because in schools we have catechesis and evangelisation hand in hand with the Bible

Witnesses to the Gospel

According to the Bolivian religious, who is also the President of Universidad de La Salle in Bolivia, “being witnesses who announce the Gospel” is an imperative for Lasallian educators.

To this adheres the option for the Global Compact on Education proposed by Pope Francis, “which helps us to return to an education where the values of the family and the centrality of the human person are implicit, together with the school”, highlights Br José Diez de Medina.

During the Inter-American Meeting of Pastoral Ministry in Education, conferences and TED talks were held on the pedagogy of Jesus; the contribution of the Holy Scriptures to listen to children and young people in school; curriculum and Gospel; Word, family and school; and some didactics and pastoral keys inspired by the Bible, among other topics.