
Brother Armin Luistro, Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, has appointed Brother Luis Bernardo Bolívar as Visitor of the District of Norandino for a period of four years, from 1 June 2024 to 31 May 2028.

Br. Luis is Colombian. He was born in Chigorodó, Antioquia, on 2 January 1980, and entered the Postulancy of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in 1999.

After completing his University studies at Unilasallista, in Colombia, and earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Ethics and Religious Formation, he also earned a Master’s Degree in Literary Hermeneutics from Escuela de Administración Financiera (the School of Financial Administration, EAFIT). He also holds a Master’s and Doctorate in Philosophy from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB) in Medellín (Colombia).

He has carried out his educational ministry in various Lasallian institutions, taking on roles as teacher and primary school principal, as well as University professor and Vice-Rector of Pastoral Ministry and University Welfare at Unilasallista.

He has also been Director of the Brothers’ Community, Director of the Postulancy and Scholasticate, and member of the District Council, as well as of the Commission for Formation and Accompaniment of the Norandino District.

In the scope of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, he has participated in various international formation programmes, such as SIEL and CIL, and has been a member of the Commission on Lasallian Spirituality.

From September 2019 to January 2024, he was part of the team of the Institute’s Secretariat for Formation, based at the Generalate in Rome, and was a member of the coordinating team of the Tutti Fratelli Programme for the formation of formators of congregations of religious Brothers.

In communion with the Brothers and Lasallians of the District of Norandino, we express our congratulations and our best wishes to Brother Luis, in view of the new responsibility that Brother Superior General and Divine Providence have entrusted to him. We ask Saint John Baptist de La Salle for his intercession for the new Brother Visitor and for all Lasallians in the District.