From August 4 to 10, 2024, the Community of the International Scholasticate, located in Nairobi (Kenya), participated in the annual retreat, oriented by Br. Moses Abunya, focused on call each one of us has received from the Lord.
A total of 45 Brothers took part in the retreat: 40 Scholastic Brothers, the Brother facilitator and other Brothers from the community. This year, the International Scholasticate Community in Nairobi includes Brothers from ten countries: Brazil, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda and Sri Lanka.

Group Photo of the “Community of the International Scholasticate” at the Tabor Hill Retreat Center, in Nyahururu, Kenya, August 4 to 10, 2024.
Prayer, reflection and renewal
To make this sacred time of retreat even more special, the Tabor Hill Retreat Center, a retreat house of the Dimesse Sisters located in Nyahururu, was chosen. This space really facilitates prayer, reflection and the renewal of consecrated life.
It was indeed a week of rich blessings and renewal much needed. All the work, discernment, and organization for this retreat made it a meaningful week and was very well appreciated.
The retreat intensified the Scholastics looking for Jesus in the serene environment at Tabor Hill, the green landscape, the nice chapel, the outside Stations of the Cross and the beautiful sound of the birds. All this was extremely helpful for the participants.
Before our Lord began his public ministry, he spent 40 days in the desert praying and fasting to prepare for the important work ahead (see Lk 4:1-13). Those were days of retreat.

Mass during the retreat at Tabor Hill Retreat Center.
Renewal of vows and new Director
Having returned to Nairobi after this spiritual renewal retreat, on Sunday, August 12, the 40 Scholastic Brothers renewed their vows. One Scholastic Brother renewed his vows in Congo, where he was taking part in District activities.
During the vow renewal Mass, Brother Paulo Petry, from Brazil, was officially inaugurated as the new Director of the La Salle International Scholasticate Community.