64 Brothers and Lasallian Partners participate in the 2024 Plenary Assembly

It was with joy and hope that the 2024 Plenary Assembly began on 8 July at the Generalate in Rome. 64 Brothers and Lasallian Partners from all over the world are taking part in this experience “which is understood as a way of living synodality in our Lasallian Family“, as Brother Carlos Gómez, Vicar General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, said in his welcoming remarks.

“We come from many parts of the world to get together, to strengthen one another, to dream together and to continue walking in the footsteps of the Master“, continued Br. Carlos, stating that “this is the first time that the three Councils of the Institute are gathered together: the General Council, the Lasallian Mission Council, the International Economic Council which helps the Brother Superior to steer the Lasallian ship”, as well as “the Brother Visitors, the Commission Chairs, the Office Directors, those responsible for the services of the Institute and a representative of the Young Brothers”.

“On this occasion, we are not here to make decisions as do the Chapters or the MEL Assemblies”, continued the Vicar General, underlining that “the decisions were made two years ago” so that “our main objective is to take the pulse of the situation of the Institute, to see the progress in the implementation of the decisions taken, and to strengthen the way forward for the coming years”.

In the same line, referring to the experience of “walking towards ‘One La Salle'”, Br. Chris Patiño, General Councillor, referred to the need to “recognise that each one of us has a role to play, but the most important thing is that we must do it in unity, addressing the needs and the critical problems that our Institute and the Lasallian Family face today”, since “it is much better, it is more effective and it is an evangelical call to move in the same direction, to move in a spirit of communion, so that we can respond to all these needs”.

Starting from the methodology defined for the Plenary Assembly, based on contemplation (“not to look anything but with the eyes of faith”), discerning the ‘sensus fidei’ (“not to do anything but with our view in God”), acting with ardent zeal (to commit ourselves with prophetic audacity) and abandoning ourselves to Divine Providence (“to attribute all to God”), during the first day, ten discussing tables were set up in which some consensus was discerned on ways to foster Lasallian co-responsibility and ‘cross-pollination’ around the world, as well as the main areas and themes for network governance, in the light of the presentation made by Br Ricky Laguda, General Councillor, on the meaning of carrying forward the Lasallian mission today “together and by association”.

The moments of prayer, liturgy and the Eucharist at the end of the day marked the pace of the first day of the Assembly in an atmosphere of fraternity and in the “spirit of faith” which identify all Lasallians.

See below for an informative summary of the first day of the Plenary Assembly.