The Postulator General
His task is to handle matters concerning the raising to the altars of those within the Institute who died with a reputation for sanctity and the preparation of the documents and follow-up of their Causes in order to receive approval for their worship.

Our Founder Saint John Baptist de La Salle
Saint John Baptist de La Salle is the founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Patron of Christian Teachers. He was born at Reims, France April 30, 1651, ordained priest April 9, 1678, and died April 7, 1719.
– Read more about our Founder
Hermanos Santos y Beatos
For over 300 years, Brothers from all over the world have dedicated themselves to the Christian education of young people. On this page, we have gathered some pictures with biographies of the saints and blessed of our Order.
Saint Benildus Romançon 1805-1862 (August 13)
Saint Miguel Febres Cordero 1854-1910 ((February 9)
Saint Mutien-Marie Wiaux 1841-1917 (January 30)
Saint Solomon Leclercq 1745-1792 (September 2)
Blessed Martyrs of the Rochefort 1794 (September 2)
Blessed Arnold Rèche 1838-1890 (October 23)
Blessed Scubilion Rousseau 1797-1867 (September 27)
Blessed Raphael Louis Rafiringa 1856-1919 (May 19)
Blessed James Miller 1944 – 1982 (February 13)
Saint Martyrs of Turon 1934 (October 9)
Saint Jaime Hilario Barbal 1898-1937 (October 9)
Blessed Martyrs of Almeria 1936 (November 6)
Blessed Martyrs of Valencia 1936 (November 6)
Blessed Leonardo José and Companions,Martyrs in Spain (November 6)
Blessed Martyrs of Barcellona
Blessed Martyrs of Cartagena
Blessed Martyrs of Ciudad Real
Blessed Martyrs of Toledo
Blessed Martyrs of Madrid – Griñón
Blessed Martyrs of Madrid – Sagrado Corazón
Blessed Martyrs of Tarragona
Venerables and Servants of God
Beyond those brothers who have been formally recognized by the Church as being saints or blessed, some who have been recognized as being exemplary models, many of them even to the point of shedding their blood.
Ven. Alpert Motsch 1849-1898
Ven. Exupérien Mas 1829-1905
Ven. Gregorio Buhl 1896-1973
Ven. Teodoreto Garberoglio 1871-1954
Ven. Adolfo Châtillon 1871-1929
Ven. Andrés Hibernon 1880-1969
Ven. Juan Fromental Cayroche 1895-1978
Ven. Adolfo Lanzuela 1894-1976
Ven. Victorino Nymphas 1885 – 1966

approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments