Publication of shorter studies, typically of several authors, whose critical work is smaller than that of the Lasallian Journal.
1] SCHNEIDER, Jean-Louis, FSC, Un certain air d’élévation et de grandeur. Société, Civilité, École et Culture dans les Méditations pour le temps de la retraire de Jean-Baptiste de La Salle. Rome 102 p. — 2002.
2] VILLALABEITIA, Josean, FSC. No hagáis diferencia… Consagración y tareas apostólicas en los primeros tiempos del Instituto. Roma, 143 p. – 2007.
3] BOTANA, Antonio, FSC, Thematic Vocabulary of Lasallian Association. Rome, 96 p. – 2008. (original in Spanish 2008, translated into French 2008)

4] BOTANA, Antonio, FSC, Basis for a present-day model of Lasallian Family. Rome, 81 p. – 2008. (original in Spanish 2008, translated into French 2008)